Frustrated Learning a Tech Skill? 5 Tips to Help

Learning a tech skill can be exciting yet frustrating. Ever begun learning a new skill? The first two weeks are the most exciting. You are all pumped to learn. Damn! It seems as though the zeal will never fade. Three weeks go by, the adrenaline level begins to drop. You start feeling frustrated because you simply do not understand or you are just not getting it. Both energy and mood decline, and there is no longer any motivation to continue. I've been there, and I can tell you that it can be pretty challenging.

Recently, there has been an unsaid pressure to learn a tech skill quickly and really well. It doesn't take a genius to realize that having a technical skill or working in technology is hot right now. The vast majority are currently attempting to enter the market as quickly as possible. They become so stressed that it negatively affects both their mind and body.

Here are 5 tips for learning and dealing with frustrations that comes with acquiring tech skills:

1. Prioritize quality over quantity: The tech world is vast, and any tech skill you choose to specialize in will undoubtedly have a wealth of materials. When I first started learning design, there were so many videos and articles to choose from that it was overwhelming. I wanted to know everything and ended up reading a lot without fully grasping the core message of each topic. In the end, it only added to my workload. I had to make a conscious decision to prioritize and fully understand what I was reading.

Perhaps not completely in depth, but understanding the main idea of a particular topic will help you improve in the tech skill you are learning. It's not so much about the metrics and how many articles you read as it is about the value and how well you understand what you're studying.

2. Set aside time for studying: Came across this video and it talked about focusing on the first 15% of the process and getting 85% of the result.

When you focus on the first 15% of that process and get it correct (its initial conditions), you ensure at least 85% of your desired outcome. By focusing on the first 15% of anything, the remaining 85% will effortlessly follow.

~One minute millionaire by Mark Victor Hasena and Robert G. Allen

I decided to use it for learning, and the results have been incredible. When I'm working or studying, I focus completely for the first 10-20 minutes of the activity. I'm not sure what the science is behind this, but it works wonders for learning. As if you were tricking your brain into believing that activity was more interesting than it actually is. I usually get lost in reading, consuming, and able to understand more.

As I like to call it, "effective studying." Taking 1 or 2 hours to focus is faster and allows for more understanding. Distractions are only going to waste time and get you little or nothing done.

3. Maintain Consistency and Practice: Adopt a mindset of continuous learning. Knowing everything there is to know about your chosen tech skill is nearly impossible, if not impossible. You should however, not feel discouraged. Be consistent and take it one step at a time. Keeping in mind when to advance to the next level. We often stay at a level for too long and remain beginners for what feels like an eternity simply because we lack the confidence to move on. The best way to learn is by doing. You'll get better if you keep practicing and moving forward

4. Take breaks: Relax, Rome was not built in a day. It is critical to take breaks on a regular basis. Overworking yourself and attempting to learn everything at once can result in burnout. As Nigerians, we will say, "Problem e no dey finish, try dey enjoy" (Problems do not end, try to enjoy yourself). Simply step away from the world of technology occasionally by spending time with family and friends, going for a walk, or doing anything else. Resting allows your body and mind to be refreshed. As a result, you can retain more information when learning.

5. Join a community: Having a group of people who share your goals can help you stay motivated and improve your productivity.Joining a community can help you improve your networking skills and find an accountability partner or even a mentor. During your training period, you will also have access to an unlimited number of resources, as well as firsthand information on internships and job opportunities for beginners. Twitter and Instagram are popular places to find tech communities. Simply check or ask questions and someone is sure to respond.


“Hard Work is worthless for those that don’t believe in themselves.”

~Mighty Gai (Naruto)

Finally, believe in yourself. This may sound cliche, but it is a fact, and in this case, the truth. Learning a tech skill can be frustrating at times, especially when things don't appear to be going well. Personally, I try to see my frustration as a way of showing me where I need to improve a little more. Using your frustrations to highlight areas where you need to improve can be a more positive way of channeling your frustrations.

Going far in tech and persevering through the difficult times and sometimes tearful nights requires a lot of courage and belief in oneself.